Committee purpose: The Committee’s objective is to successfully support the Family Connects North Carolina, Southeastern Region program by providing leadership, community involvement, engagement, and sustainable funding.
Committee principles: The Committee collaborates with community partners who seek to ensure the program’s success in Cumberland, Hoke, and Robeson Counties. The primary roles are to provide advice and support on decisions affecting the program implementation and sustainability in key areas such as:
- Enrollment
- Community connections
- Sustainability
- Engaging stakeholders
- Cultivating supporters
- Aligning resources
Committee Membership: The committee will consist of a minimum of 15 members, and members will represent the following categories:
- Families from the catchment area
- Community leaders
- Neighborhood leaders
- Local foundations
- Local obstetricians and gynecologists, pediatricians, and hospitals
- Representatives from community organizations that serve families with young children
This work is funded in part by North Carolina’s Preschool Development Grant, Elizabeth A. Hudspeth Endowment Fund of the Cumberland Community Foundation, and the North Carolina Partnership for Children. The program is a collaboration between the Partnership for Children of Cumberland County, the Hoke County Partnership for Children and Families, the Robeson County Partnership for Children, Family Connects International, and our nursing partner, Carolina Collaborative Community Care (4C).
2024-2025 Committee Packets including meeting agenda and minutes.
All meetings are quarterly on the 1st Tuesday of the month, from 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm.
For questions, please contact us.
Interested in joining our committee?
Please complete a Nomination/Application Form.
Return to the committee list.
See a list of all our meetings.