The Partnership for Children of Cumberland County provides many ways for individuals and organizations to get involved and help us serve the youngest citizens in the Fayetteville and Ft. Liberty area.

Support Our Mission
When you support the Partnership for Children, you are investing in our community’s future. Your gift of time, talent, and/or treasure can make a difference and support local families.

Employment Opportunities
We’re looking for professional team players who believe that successful children ensure a thriving community.

Special events, recurring events, training, and meetings. See what’s coming up.

Requests for Proposals
Periodically Partnership for Children solicits bids from individuals and/or vendors for various projects. Listed below are current open Requests for Proposals.

Volunteer Opportunities
Periodically Partnership for Children solicits bids from individuals and/or We rely on volunteers in a variety of ways. Event volunteers, Committee members, or Board members, we need your support.