The Community Engagement and Development Committee (CED) is chaired by a Board director. Committee members total a minimum of six with two Board directors and four non-Board participants. The CED Committee will meet a minimum of quarterly or as called by the chair and works with the President in carrying out its responsibilities as directed in these bylaws.

The Community Engagement and Development Committee leads the Board’s participation in community engagement and fund development. They recommend policies for community engagement and fund development and provide opportunities for Board involvement in these activities. The committee recommends plans and procedures, advises and supports staff in their efforts to strengthen the early childhood system through stewardship of local resources, community engagement, strategic communication, volunteer recruitment and opportunities, outreach and education, plans, procedures, and community relations.

2024-2025 Committee Packets including meeting agenda and minutes.

The Community Engagement and Development Committee meets from 8:30 – 10:30 am on the dates listed below.





For questions, please contact us.

Interested in joining our committee?
Please complete a Nomination/Application Form.

Return to the committee list.

See a list of all our meetings.

FY 2023-2024 Meeting Dates

Required Documents


10/05/2023 10/12/2023 at 8:30 am

03/07/2024 03/19/2024


FY 2022-2023 Meeting Dates

FY 2021-2022 Meeting Dates and Packets

FY 2020-2021 Meeting Dates

* Note: This Committee was renamed during FY 2020-2021 from Public Engagement and Development (PED) to Community Engagement and Development (CED).