The Family Focus Guide helps families and individuals in and around the Fayetteville area find resources in our community.
If you have a service-focused organization that serves families in the Fayetteville, Cumberland County area and would like to be listed, please email us at [email protected].
Our goal is to help seniors and recovering patients who prefer to stay in their own home while receiving personal care. We arrange for non-medical in-home care visits from registered nurses, personal care aids, and certified nurse assistants. We carry a wide range of packages to suit a variety of budgets and needs. A 3 hour daily minimum applies.
Meals on Wheels for adults 60 and over. Minor home repair, in home-aid, telephone reassurance program, Senior companion program and Senior Health Insurance Program (SHIP) which helps to better understand medicare.
Benefits selected African-American residents of Cross Creek Township. Trustees of the fund determine allocation of a small financial gift at Christmas. Must apply in person during the month of November. Applicant must be 70 and over to be considered. Disbursement of funds is announced through the newspaper near the time of allocation. Call for more information.
Provides free legal assistance to income eligible individuals. Handles civil cases, family law, consumer, Social Security matters, elderly law, and public benefits. Does not handle separation and/or divorce. Special units handle cases for older adults and Native Americans. Domestic violence prevention program provides legal assistance to persons who are victims of domestic violence.
Maxim Healthcare Services has been making a difference in patients’ lives across the nation for more than 30 years. Our team of nurses and home health aides helps patients of all ages maintain the highest quality of life in the comforts of the home. We offer skilled nursing, companion care, respite care, and behavioral care for individuals with chronic and acute illnesses and disabilities. Our commitment to compassionate care and excellent service makes us an established provider wherever healthcare is needed.
Monday 8:00 AM-5:30 PM; Tuesday 8:00 AM-5:30 PM; Wednesday 8:00 AM-5:30 PM; Thursday 8:00 AM-5:30 PM; Friday 8:00 AM-5:30 PM
This organization serves family and friend caregivers, who provide care for a 60+ year old loved one in community setting, and support to 60 year old and older grandparents raising their grandchildren. They oversee funding and programs for informational services, counseling services, respite services, and some supplemental services in an effort to support the informal caregiver.