The Family Focus Guide helps families and individuals in and around the Fayetteville area find resources in our community.

If you have a service-focused organization that serves families in the Fayetteville, Cumberland County area and would like to be listed, please email us at [email protected].

Organization Name
TAP- Transition Assistance Program
Program Type
Program Description

Assists service members, Department of the Army civilians, and their adult family members in conducting effective job searches. Services include job search counseling, and assistance with resume writing and completing government employment applications. Provides speakers to the public and uses volunteers. Internet access available.

Hours of Operation
Monday - Thursday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Counties Served
Organization Name
Institute for Community Leadership
Program Type
Program Description

The Institute for Community Leadership is Fayetteville and Cumberland County's joint community leadership program. It is designed to provide local citizens the opportunity to participate in activities leading to community leadership, volunteer service, and membership on local boards and commissions.

(910) 672-2142
Organization Name
United Way of Cumberland County
Program Type
Program Description

The Leadership Development Program (LDP) is a FREE training program, designed to train diverse community volunteers to become qualified, quality board members for nonprofit organizations.

Upon completion of a series of informative classes, LDP graduates are prepared for placement on local boards and committees.

Training Session Topics include:

Leadership and Team Building
Legal and Financial Responsibilities
Roles and Responsibilities of Board Membership
Strategic Planning
Community Building
Program Evaluation
Nonprofit Marketing
Nonprofit Communications
Board Rules/Responsibilities
Fund Raising
Grand Development and Research
Diversity and Cross-Cultural Dialogue

Organization Name
Greater Fayetteville Chamber
Program Type
Program Description

The Greater Fayetteville Chamber program participants are exposed to local, state and federal communities. Civic leaders, who serve as faculty mentors, or speakers, impart how individuals and group leaders can make a positive impact in our the community.  Meeting one full day a month each month, September through May, Leadership Fayetteville is where you or your employee will get acquainted with the other great folks that are involved, and visit great locations throughout the area. All this, while gaining valuable insight into the dynamics of our communities, from leaders of virtually every industry and business type.

910 483-8133