The Family Focus Guide helps families and individuals in and around the Fayetteville area find resources in our community.
If you have a service-focused organization that serves families in the Fayetteville, Cumberland County area and would like to be listed, please email us at [email protected].
The Center for Economic Empowerment and Development is a Lease to Home program. The C.E.E.D is an innovative program focused on assisting people in transitioning from homelessness to home ownership. The main purpose of this program, is to offer individuals and families from all backgrounds, an affordable and safe place to live. This includes rentals as well as the opportunity to become homeowners.
Administrative and cultural arts agency which seeks to enhance self determination and self sufficiency of Native Americans in Cumberland County as it relates to their political, socio-economic and well-being.
Offers employment counseling, classroom training, adult basic education classes and assistance in locating sources for paying utility bills in the winter.
Operates a senior citizens center and a housing locator service. Offers rent assistance if eviction is threatened.
Provides emergency financial assistance for rent, utilities, transportation, medication, and other emergency needs. May be able to assist with household goods and general assistance for people involved in natural disasters or house fires.
Assistance is given by appointment only.
Utilities: Must have a final notice. No deposits or re-connection fees.
Rent: the client will have to obtain the Salvation Army Rental Assistance form/W-9 form from the Salvation Army, have landlord complete them, and bring them to the scheduled appointment. Clients will not be interviewed if forms are not completed. Not able to assist with rent deposits.
Prescription: Includes blood pressure, heart, and antibiotics only. No pain or psychotropic drugs will be filled. Can only be filled once.
Furniture vouchers: only issued to individuals that have been in a fire or flood. A fire report must be provided.
Clients seen Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. by appointment only.
Provides emergency funds, when available, to help with food, clothing, utility bills (electric and water), rent, and other immediate crisis needs.
Special Assistance provides a cash supplement to individuals to help pay for room and board in an adult care home or group home.
Long Term Care provides a cash supplement to individuals to help pay for room and board in a long term care/skilled nursing facility.