The Family Focus Guide helps families and individuals in and around the Fayetteville area find resources in our community.
If you have a service-focused organization that serves families in the Fayetteville, Cumberland County area and would like to be listed, please email us at [email protected].
Teaches students, civilians, and military service members about the core values, sacrifice, courage, devotion to duty, and exploits of this unique sector of our armed forces. Exhibit galleries are free; theater and motion simulator have admission charges.
Sunday 12PM-4:30PM
Closed Mondays and Federal Holidays
Open Memorial Day, 4th of July and Veteran's Day
Nurtures, advocates and celebrates the arts in Fayetteville/Cumberland County. Provides grants to local art agencies, artists, and schools to increase and support art activities in the community. Produces International Folk Festival, Fourth Fridays, and Dickens Holiday.
Fascinate-U Children's Museum provides children the opportunity to explore their world the way they learn best. Whether they be through creative role-playing, manipulation, interaction with each other and/or objects around them. Birthday party and group rates available.
Coordinates the planning and execution of the annual Dogwood Festival, held the 4th weekend in April. This event encompasses approximately 30 events which target all members of the community. Also coordinates an annual fall event called Historic Hauntings: A Ghastly Ghost Tour. This tour, conducted via hayride, explores the mysterious happenings of downtown Fayetteville with ghostly re-enactors and story-tellers highlighting the history and spooky legends of the past.
Concerts. Please see our website for schedule and ticket prices.
4th Friday is a true celebration of the arts and downtown. Folks of all ages get a taste of Fayetteville's art and entertainment while enjoying the small galleries, bookstores, bistros and shops with unique items for shoppers. It's safe, it's fun ... and it's free!
Fall event following 4th Friday in September. Showcases the historic and artistic customs and traditions of many different cultures. Exhibits - entertainment - refreshments and featured astists all combine to bring the art of Fayetteville to everyone and free to everyone!
Recounts the social, economic, and political history of southern North Carolina. Comprised of the Museum, the 1897 Poe House, and the Arsenal.
Provides quality music & instruction in a Christian setting. Offers private and group instruction music instruction for a wide variety of age from infants to mature adults. Kindermusik classes for birth-5years. Clogging and Christian hip-hop classes for ages 3-adults.
We got jazz! Like Baroque? We got Baroque! Like musical Theater? We got musical theater. As a matter of fact, we got something for everyone. Whether it the lyrical classicism of the Fabio and Chiara Parrini duo or the smooth jazz styling of Derek Day, here for you in Buies Creek. We at Campbell we believe that the University should be a leader in cultural and artistic endeavors. Programs include: Cape Fear Fine Arts, Community Concert Series, and Performing Arts.