The Family Focus Guide helps families and individuals in and around the Fayetteville area find resources in our community.
If you have a service-focused organization that serves families in the Fayetteville, Cumberland County area and would like to be listed, please email us at [email protected].
ASPIRE is a comprehensive program that assists low wealth individuals and families attain the skills and knowledge that is needed in order to become self sufficient. Since funding is limite - individuals are selected to particpate in the program based on their readiness and motivation to accomplish goals to obtain employment.
One-stop employment and training center for employers and job seekers.
Basic services for employers: employer recruitment assistance, clearinghouse for training information, information on Worker Opportunity Tax Credits & other hiring incentives, labor market information, unemployment insurance information, rapid response to layoffs and plant closures.
Basic services for job seekers and or training: Common intake, case management, program eligibility information, resume preparation, information & referral for support services, information on job openings & hiring requirements of local businesses and on local availability of training & development opportunities.
Veteran Services - Assists Veterans with job searches and training
Summer Youth Program - Work experience for youth that have graduated, up until the age of 21.
The NFJP provides access to education services and job training, support, and additional services suited to the customer’s career goal. Services provided include: job skill assessment, career counseling, ESL classes, job training, etc.
Employment Source provides vocational training and employment programs for adults with disabilities. They operate an in-house work facility that employs disabled adults, and also place individuals in meaningful employment with local businesses and government agencies in the community. They provide vocational evaluation, job placement, job seeking skills classes, and counseling. Job training areas are in hand assembly, packaging, groundskeeping, janitorial, clerical, industrial welding, and retailing. Workshop items are for sale at the thrift store. Also accepts donations of used computers. Donating an old monitor costs $10, to offset costs of disposing lead in the monitors.
The Resource Center houses several Cumberland County agencies including Cumberland County Department of Social Services, Cumberland County Mental Health, Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office and Cumberland County Workforce Development. The Employment Security Commission (321-6460) representative is there 2 days per week.
Offers assessments and counseling for career choices and goals. Provides financial assistance with tuition and books at a community college or trade center for up to 2 years.
A list of participating providers can be found here:
Also provides on-the-job training and internships.
Thursday, 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
The Workforce development Center provides services to youth, unskilled adults, dislocated workers, and welfare-to-work recipients for entry and re-entry into the labor force, by offering occupational skills/training and job search placement activities. The WDC also administers the Summer Youth Employment (youth work permit) and Training Program for youth ages 14-21, and the Five Percent Older Individual Activity Program for persons 55 years or older who need help obtaining employment.
Provides services to youth, unskilled adults, dislocated workers, and welfare-to-work recipients for entry and re-entry into the labor force, by offering occupational skills/training and job search placement activities. Administers the Summer Youth Employment (youth work permit) and Training Program for youth ages 14-21, and the Five Percent Older Individual Activity Program for persons 55 years or older who need help obtaining employment.