The Family Focus Guide helps families and individuals in and around the Fayetteville area find resources in our community.
If you have a service-focused organization that serves families in the Fayetteville, Cumberland County area and would like to be listed, please email us at [email protected].
One-stop employment and training center for employers and job seekers.
Basic services for employers: employer recruitment assistance, clearinghouse for training information, information on Worker Opportunity Tax Credits & other hiring incentives, labor market information, unemployment insurance information, rapid response to layoffs and plant closures.
Basic services for job seekers and or training: Common intake, case management, program eligibility information, resume preparation, information & referral for support services, information on job openings & hiring requirements of local businesses and on local availability of training & development opportunities.
Veteran Services - Assists Veterans with job searches and training
Summer Youth Program - Work experience for youth that have graduated, up until the age of 21.