05/14/21. With mask mandates and other restrictions steadily lifting in many local and state governments, the Partnership will be reviewing additional guidance from the CDC, OSHA, DCDEE, and others in the coming days. While we await and review further guidance, our mask and social distancing policies will remain in effect. As we look forward to easing restrictions, we still must ensure the safety of our staff, tenants, and visitors. If you have any questions about the Partnership’s response, please reach out to HR.
Staff COVID-19 Response Center
COVID Vaccine Information
The Partnership does not require, but encourages all staff to receive the vaccine as it becomes available to them. Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are proven to be safe and 95% effective at preventing COVID-19. For detailed information about the vaccines and their rollout, please use these trusted resources:
- Vaccine Distribution
- List of providers in our area with available Covid-19 vaccines - CDC
- Summer Cash Drawings for vaccinated North Carolinians - NCDHHS
- North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
- March 16 Vaccine Briefing - Biden and Cooper Administrations
- March 3 Vaccination Update from DCDEE
- Print materials: COVID vaccines 101 and vaccine fact sheet
- Webcasts: up-to-date vaccine information will be covered.
- Marsh and McLellan Agency
- Vaccine FAQ Page
- Webcast recordings: up-to-date vaccine information and employer considerations
COVID-Related Paid Sick Leave
- The Partnership continues FFCRA paid sick leave through September 30, 2021.
- FFCRA paid sick leave now includes time off for vaccination as expanded by the American Rescue Plan (2021).
- Employees may submit a request to their manager or HR for Coronavirus-related time off.
- Department of Labor Q&As on FFCRA Leave.
- Notice to Employees of Families First Coronavirus Response Act.
Core Benefits - COVID Relief
- Rent and Utilities Assistance - NILHC
- Behavioral Healthcare During COVID-19 - Information and Find a provider
- Health benefits and COVID-19 information from BlueCross BlueShield
- FSA/HRA Regulatory Updates. Relief bills impact FSA.
- Principal 401k CARES Act amendments (loans and withdrawals)
Workplace Protection Procedures
- Because of the prevalence of the Delta variant and rising COVID cases in our area, and because many of our staff and tenants work directly with children, our mask, health screening, and social distancing policies will remain in effect. We continue to review our policies and procedures as new information releases and guidance changes. Ultimately, we must ensure the safety of our staff, tenants, and visitors. If you have any questions about the Partnership’s response, please reach out to Human Resources.
- Everything you need to know about safety protocols to prevent COVID exposures in our Return-to-Work Guide for Employees
- If you or your employees are exposed or become sick at work, contact HR and your supervisor immediately.
Self-Care and Mental Health
- NEW May is Mental Health Month - Learn more at Mental Health America
- Mindfulness and Meditation Videos - Calm
- Steps to Fight Pandemic Fatigue - Society for Human Resource Management
- How to Be Happier at Work - Society for Human Resource Management
- 6 self-care steps for a pandemic – Harvard Health Publishing
- Prioritizing self-care in practice (podcast) – Harvard EdCast
- Resources for self-care (led by BIPOC) – Harvard University
- Self-care tips – Duke University
- Prioritizing self-care – Howard Law Library
Remote Workforce
- The complete list of remote work resources – TimeCamp blog
- Webcast: leading remote teams – Harvard Business Publishing