Early Education Professionals are heroes. We are proud to spotlight Miracle Years Child Care Center.

Dr. Bennie L. Kelly, Pastor of Miracle Temple Holy Deliverance Church of God, literally dreamed about opening a childcare facility. In 1998 she opened Miracle Years Child Care Center, a 5-Star facility located in Fayetteville. Miracle Years has a great team of teachers who are dedicated to the children and families they serve. Each child is valued and provided a safe environment to develop and learn. The center is also very fortunate to have the help of many volunteers. All involved feel “the children’s daily excitement and smiles are priceless”.
Family engagement is a huge component of the program, and some of the parents attended Miracle Years as children. Some alumni provide financial donations and visit when they can. Relationships are key to the program’s success, and the families enjoy a variety of activities and events. Activities include classes for families and outdoor events. Miracle Years is committed to meeting the needs of their families and remained open throughout the pandemic to care for children of essential workers. Some words of wisdom from Dr.Kelly include:
1) always follow the rules and regulations
2) treat everyone fairly
3) help as many people as you can
4) investing in the lives of children is one of the best investments we can ever make.
Learn more about the Early Care and Educational Professionals and Program at Miracle Years Child Care Center.