Are You Interested in Becoming an NC Pre-Kindergarten Site in Cumberland County for the 2024-2026 School Year?
In August 2023, the Partnership for Children of Cumberland County will initiate the 2024-2026 NC Pre-Kindergarten Site Selection process. NC Pre-Kindergarten classes are available at private childcare facilities, Head Start programs, and public schools throughout Cumberland County. To be considered as a Pre-K provider in Cumberland County, a facility must apply.
To be eligible, a center must:
- Be a licensed 4- or 5-Star Site
- Meet all of the program guidelines mandated by the NC Pre-Kindergarten Program
- Limit classes to a maximum of 18 children, with a teacher-to-child ratio of 1 to 9
You must also use the following in the Pre-Kindergarten classroom:
- Creative Curriculum
- Teaching Strategies
- Ready Rosie
- Developmental Screenings
The primary consideration for selecting sites and allocating slots is to provide the highest quality early education setting to meet the needs of the most at-risk children and families. Consideration is given to existing NC Pre-Kindergarten sites and the continued employment of qualified NC Pre-Kindergarten BK Licensed teachers. Consideration is also given to new applicants who demonstrate high quality to ensure that a diverse selection of services is available for at-risk children.
All awards are contingent upon and subject to appropriation, allocation, and funding availability through the North Carolina General Assembly and the North Carolina Division of Child Development and Early Education (DCDEE).
To receive funding, sites must adhere to the NC Child Care Rules, including the regulations outlined in Rule .3000 NC Pre-Kindergarten Services, the NC Pre-Kindergarten Program Requirements, and the NC Pre-Kindergarten Program Fiscal and Contract Manual throughout the funding cycle.
In order to be considered to participate, sites must attend one of the NC Pre-K Information Sessions below.
For more information about the NC Pre-Kindergarten Requirements, visit our Provide Pre-K Page and the DCDEE Website.
The Site Selection application is posted on our Request for Proposals page.