The Family Focus Guide helps families and individuals in and around the Fayetteville area find resources in our community.
If you have a service-focused organization that serves families in the Fayetteville, Cumberland County area and would like to be listed, please email us at [email protected].
The mission of the Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training (CCP) is to assist individuals and communities in recovering from the challending effects of natural and human-caused disasters through the provision of community-based outreach and psychoeducational services.
Operates a crisis pregnancy center with free pregnancy tests, transitional housing/financial assistance (when funds permit), emotional support, peer counseling, and alternatives to abortion.
All of our programs serve homeless families with their children. We offer an emergency Shelter Program 30-90 days, 24 month Transitional Housing Program, and a variety of permanent housing units. All programs provide intensive case management with supportive services and require participation in the Transitions Program.
Assistance is available for those experiencing domestic violence–see “Domestic Violence Prevention and Assistance.” New Parent Support Program offers: classes for new or expecting parents; playgroups; and home visits to talk with new parents about concerns and coping with the demands of parenthood. Victim Advocate Program supports victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Advocates can provide information about resources; accompany the victim to court; help locate shelters; and provide general support. Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program provides crisis intervention and support services. Family Advocacy program also offers a variety of classes and referrals to counseling.
Operation Blessing is (501c3) non-profit Christian humanitarian organization, that provides short term assistance with food, clothes, limited approved financial assistant and crisis pregnancy support, to those in Cumberland County and surrounding areas.
Friday 9-Noon
Sat & Sun CLOSED
(Closed daily from 12-1 for lunch)
Formerly Green's Home for Women, now Teague's Home for women offers transitional housing for homeless women. VA claims Assistance Job Search Assistance/Referral Transitional Housing for Homeless Veterans Mentoring/Life Coaching Assistance with Discharge Upgrades Financial Literacy Classes Transportation to VA for medical care and treatment Peer counseling and support groups. And above all, compassionate care and consideration for the daughters of our nation.
Teague's Home for Women is a faith-based non-profit organization designed to provide women the tools they need to move off the street, learn how to get a job or education and improve their situation.
The Hope Center is a City of Fayetteville-owned facility to address the needs of the homeless female population. The Hope Center will provide meals, shelter, computer lab and referral services to homeless women