Family Services
We know parenting is hard, and we also know that you want the best for your child. So do we! We provide Fayetteville area families with support through referrals and resources.

Free Pre-K in Cumberland County
Find high-quality, free Pre-Kindergarten programs in Cumberland County. These Pre-Kindergarten classrooms are offered at participating Cumberland County Schools, Head Start programs, and licensed four and five-star child care centers. This includes NC Pre-K and Title 1.

NC Pre-K
NC Pre-K is a free preschool program. The classrooms are in 4 and 5-star private centers, Head Start classrooms, and select Cumberland County Schools.

Diaper Bank
Families sometimes have to decide between buying diapers or other household essentials. The Diaper Bank of North Carolina provides FREE diapers for families who qualify.

Child Care Referral
Finding a child care provider can be challenging. We offer a free, online child care search tool that can help you find a high-quality, licensed provider.

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is a book gifting program that mails FREE books to children from birth until they turn 5, no matter their family’s income.

Financial Assistance for Child Care Costs
If you are a full-time student, seeking work, or experiencing a crisis and need help paying for child care, you might qualify for temporary financial assistance.

Learning Library
Our learning library provides educational events, toys, and books for children up to 5-years old. We also have parenting materials. We have more than 7,000 items for lending to parents, grandparents, and caregivers.

Children learn through play. We offer FREE weekly developmentally appropriate playgroups. We sing, read, play, and craft while focusing on early literacy and social-emotional competency.

Family Connects Home Visiting
Babies don’t come with an instruction manual…
Family Connects North Carolina, Southeastern Region can help! Family Connects is a community-wide in-home nurse visiting program.

Parenting Education & Workshops
Qualifying caregivers raising children from birth to 5 years old are welcome to join our parent education programs. Parents receive home visits and group-based parent education designed to develop nurturing parenting skills, enhance knowledge about child development, and strengthen the relationship between child and caregiver.

Family Resources
Knowing where to turn for help can be challenging. Our Family Focus Guide helps families in and around the Fayetteville area find resources in our community.

Grandparent and Kinship Support
Thousands of children in our community live with a grandparent or another family member. If you are raising a family member’s child, our monthly support program provides you with resources and support.

Car Seat Safety
Having a fully functioning car seat that is properly installed is important for your child’s safety and well-being.
Help us in our efforts to ensure all children receive a sound education, beginning at birth, and families receive the support they need to ensure success.