If you live in the Fayetteville, Cumberland County area,
and are work part-time or are seeking employment, your family might qualify for financial assistance to help pay for child care.

If you have landed on this page and have not been assigned a caseworker, please complete the Child Care Assistance Interest Form and wait for further instructions.

Apply In Two Easy Steps

Step #1 – Scan Application and Required Documents for Child Care Assistance*

Your Family Support Caseworker emailed you a fillable PDF along with the link to this page. Please complete, save, and scan the application along with the other required documents.

See the list of required documents below. Once you have them ready, you can scan them using your phone! We recommend these free apps if you don't already have one.

Android Scan App

iOS Scan App

Step #2 – Complete Contact Form and Upload Application and Documents for Part-Time Workers/Job Seekers

The Contact Form will allow you to upload all your documents in one place so they stay together with your application.

Required Documents* for Part-Time Workers and Job Seekers

Proof of Child’s Date of Birth

We need a copy of the child's birth certificate (does NOT need to be a certified or official copy).

Proof of Residence

We require NC issued photo identification or NC driver's License.

Proof of Employment or Job Seeking

You must include the following:

  • Referral letter from DSS
  • One of the following for proof of income:
    • Pay Stubs for a complete month (if paid weekly – submit 4 consecutive pay stubs; if paid twice a month – submit 2 consecutive pay stubs; if paid monthly – submit at least 1 full month’s pay stub), OR
    • Employer written statements signed by the employer (on letterhead, if available), OR
    • Employment Verification Form (Click to download)
  • Verification letter that you are receiving benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (i.e., EBT, food stamps, etc.)

If at any time you need assistance with this process, please contact your caseworker or send Family Services a message.

Financial assistance is based upon available funding; as a result, we may maintain a waiting list. if you are placed on a waiting list, one of our caseworkers will contact you as funds become available.